Cosmos Led In The Last Bull Market. Could It Lead Again?

Inter-blockchain connector Cosmos is well positioned this cycle, explains Sunny Aggarwal

By: Zack Guzman

November 10, 2023

It took Cosmos exactly two months to rally more than 300% last bull cycle in 2021. Could it be suited to repeat history?

As Cosmos builder and Osmosis founder Sunny Aggarwal explained in a new Coinage interview, the inter-blockchain solution is well-positioned as a key Web3 solution to bridge activity across different blockchains.

To use a simple metaphor, Aggarwal likens Cosmos to the same evolution that once hit the far less technical industry of shipping and shipping containers. Rather than have ships and docks struggle with different types of containers, eventually they all arrived on a universally agreed-upon standard that made processing goods far easier.

"In the early days you had like villages and kingdoms not very well connected with each other, but like, maybe a little bit of trade going on," he explained, adding that commerce only truly blossomed after the development of standards, efficiencies, and machinery to streamline everything. In the world of disconnected blockchains, Cosmos is similarly hoping to help with interoperability.

"Cosmos comes in and says, 'Hey, let's build this world of nation states for blockchains where let's let every application, let's let every community, have their own blockchain. But then we still build this composability," Aggarwal explained.

Cosmos tech has been leveraged by leading projects similarly serving inter-chain goals, like the decentralized exchange, THORChain, and Terra. Aggarwal says that ability has not only attracted builders to the Cosmos ecosystem, but also a steady flow of investor funds that may have otherwise not been possible for projects not listed on centralized exchanges like Coinbase.

Building with interoperability in mind, Aggarwal founded decentralized aggregator and exchange Osmosis into the largest option in the Cosmos ecosystem.

"If you look at ... the top 200, 300 assets by market cap, the Cosmos ecosystem has like the second most after Ethereum," he said. "There was all this ... untapped demand and like Osmosis can come in to sort of serve that and be like, 'Okay, look, here's the first time you could actually trade all of these assets really easily and in one place.'"

For more on how that infrastructure could propel Cosmos again, check out our full interview with Osmosis founder Sunny Aggarwal above.

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